The Human Services Chamber is a collaboration of human services agencies in Hamilton County whose mission is to advocate for public policies that benefit the human services sector and the people it serves.
In carrying out its mission, the primary goals of the Chamber are:
- To act as the recognized “voice of the sector;”
- To foster communication and collaboration with businesses, organizations, elected officials and other key stakeholders that interface with issues of human services;
- To offer researched data demonstrating the economic and social impact and effectiveness of Hamilton County human services organizations.
HSC has two types of members, provider members and associate members.
Provider members are non-profit organizations providing human services within Hamilton County, Ohio. Provider members having voting rights and may serve on the board.
Associate members of the Human Services Chamber of Hamiton County (HSC) are organizations that do not qualify as a human services provider but support the mission and work of the HSC. Associate members may include foundations, for-profit companies, governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations that do not provide direct services. Associate members may not vote, serve on the board, or chair committees, but they may attend HSC events, participate in committee meetings, receive member communications, and enjoy all other benefits of HSC membership. Associate Members pay dues on the same scale as Provider Members.
MEMBERSHIP DUES (Based on your organization’s current operating budget.)
The dues for Provider Members and Associate Members are the same. Dues may be paid annually or semiannually. You will be invoiced after completing the application.
☐ Under $1 Million: $300
☐ $1 Million-$3 Million: $1,000
☐ $3 Million-$5 Million: $1,500
☐ $5 Million-$10 Million: $2,000
☐ Over $10 Million: $2,500
If you don’t receive a response in 48 business hours, please email hannah@humanserviceschamber.